KulturNest e.V.: Nurturing creativity, sustainability, and playfulness. Our friendly NEST welcomes you to share new ideas, actions, and connections, inspired by the values of art and nature.
From local sessions with the neighbours to cross-country cooperations with different cities all around Europe, from training courses to pop-actions in the streets, our activities all share the same core strength:
the trust in a collaborative process and community learning.
In the street, on the bus, in the middle of the park or the coziness of a little café: Visual Chats are creative dialogues between strangers, an invitation to establish a connection made of little sketches and sings, scribbles and colours.
Creating with our hands and sharing stories in a circle of trust and connection: Weaving Memories explores handcraft and storytelling as ancestral practices for self-discovery and community building, intertwining these arts as ways to explore common roots and cross borders and cultural frontiers.
Breathing the air between the leaves, connecting with the trees and feeling the different textures and shapes of nature: Forest Walks are powerful immersions in nature for individual or groups of creatives, through the process of forest bathing.
What if the streets belonged to us?
Spielstrasse is a wonderful frame to transform the public space into a space of beauty and togetherness, and reclaim the power of doing it.
Even more, is the chance to invite the passers-by to feel this power themselves.
Which is the role of the artist in the nowadays society?
What kind of support we can give to each other when sharing our own process and listening to the other’s one? The Nest Incubator is a circle of artists and activists that meets and share their creative processes, giving feedbacks and learning from each other.
Choose a pencil, grab a pastel, dip the pincel. Draw your inner world, follow the strokes of your emotions. Based on the Non-Violent Communication theory, How do you feel? aim to enlighten, and colour, the relation between feelings and needs, connecting people and empowering self-reflection and emotional well-being.
What make the public space our space?
Through different forms of participatory art and artistc interventions, from improvised concerts to theatre performances, from street art to guerrilla gardening, Zuhause reinvent the public space as a space for an embracing community.
Bringing together people with fewer opportunities, artists, and activists from all around the world, We’M is a digital zine where visual art meets words and languages, in a manifestation of integrated art, where you merge with us, as “I am We”.
Move your body, sing a song, dance with a partner, come up with a made-up story and connect with the gaze of your mate. Applied improvisation is a full range methodology which can be used to empower people and strengthen group dynamics.
How long does it take for a plastic bottle to decompose? This and similar questions accompanies the Trash Interventions: workshops, installations and open creative sessions where we create mandala or clothes, postcards or jewellery from different kind of waste, exploring the potential of trash and reflecting on our production system.
Touching, smelling, hearing, seeing and tasting, but also feeling balance, sensing the heat or grasp closeness and distance. Sensory Labyrinth is an immersive theatre method used to develop trust, awareness, empathy and connection. Created by Iwan Brioc, this methodology has transformative and therapeutic potential.